
WA DA DA (3 per.) - Baltimore Brerton Sirius - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/11/10
  • 9053 再生
  • 347 いいね


Hello everyone, this is Mosrp here. Today I\'m going to launch my 16th R18 MMD video!It has been a long time since I uploaded last video. To be frank, I felt a little depressed because of the number of views (The main reason was that I had a heavy workload last week, it did burn me out and I have no time to produce video, lol). One of my fans tell me that it was due to the simple background of the cover which drove fewer people who were welling to click in and have a look. So, this time I used two models to constitute a background, with some lights. But actually, I don\'t know if you would like it for the reason that it is a completely new attempt. Let the data tell, I think. 😂To be honest, I do know if my video includes sex scene or rendered by EEVEE or Cycle in Blender, that will definitely interest a lot of people come and watch. However, that sad truth is, I neither have the ability to modify sex gesture (but I will try) nor rich enough to replace my laptop immediately. Actually, I am considering to buying a gaming notebook before I settle down in a city and purchase a desktop. It is a long march of my MMD journey.Well, speaking of the characters I use this time. They are not Kangxi or other Kawaii Strike models. In fact, they are the girls in Azur Lane. I am sure that many of you have heard of this game. Although I haven\'t play it, I still receive many info comes from this game. And the greatest feature of this game is that many ships, or girls, have huge breasts. While making the videos, I was impressed by their boobs again and again....... They are so charming, aren\'t they?I have to admit that this MMD "cross the line", in other words, the characters I choose to make MMD will no longer be limited to Kawaii Strike. I sometimes fell I am touching the ceiling of making MMD. Repetitive elements are being shown in the videos. I wish to present diverse contents in my works. So, I don\'t want to confine myself and it is time to make other changes and integrate different elements. Of course, I will still pay attention to Kangxi and other Kawaii Strike characters because I really love them!At last, if you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.08GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.————————————————————————————嗨大家好鸭,我是Mosrp,这将是我的第16个R18 MMD啦我以及鸽了一个星期有余,主要还是因为上个星期工作上有亿点点忙,我们基金瞄准上了一家新能源企业,要做非常多的工作去调研以帮助我们判断是否投资,所以我基本没什么时间做MMD了QwQ这次我用了船新的场景还有和以往大相径庭的人物。这个场景是我偶然看到的,没想到它的光影效果这么好看(当然,好不好看还是要取决于各位观众,有些时候我自己看好的作品反而没什么人看,不看好的作品反而更多人看些,我觉得我需要好好反思一下233),于是我就再用另一个场景当地板,尽管还是有些违和感在,但是我认为无伤大雅~主要是光照反射在皮肤上的那种效果我好喜欢,以后我还真的要好好学学分阶段的打光了,不能总是靠这个场景呀然后这三个角色都是碧蓝航线里的。真的名不虚传,我在用这些模型的时候我都有些情不自禁脸红了,因为...她们实在是太大了🤤,平时我自己玩的游戏里都木有这么大的,所以我在做视频的时候真的有些不好意思(我也不知道为啥哈哈,人果然是矛盾的)。不过好在她们胸部的物理效果比较好,我基本不需要去做什么修改嘻嘻。以后我也会考虑做做其它模型(虽然我手上有的模型其实并不多),康熙和萌王的其它模型我也肯定会继续做哒最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)