
德古拉(Dracula) - Lupin - R18【Hentai View 紳士視点】

  • 投稿日:2022/11/28
  • 9923 再生
  • 289 いいね


Hello everybody, this is Mosrp here. Today I am going to release my 17th R18 MMD video!Firstly, I want to say sorry to everyone. Because I have delayed my upload for a fortnight. Honestly, in the post pandemic world, I think nothing is for certain. Earlier this month, I was asked to finished a due diligence of a new energy company. However, due to the sudden occur of the COVID-19, many of the employee in this corporation had been affected and it had taken me a long time to finish my job. In this process, I realize the difficulties that the virus had brought to us again. It had almost ruined my work & life schedule. Personally, I desire to neutralize the COVID just in a second as I press the button below: "Save".Well, what I\'ve mentioned is just a fantasy of my own. Let\'s talk back to the video. I said I will make a solo dance for Dracula, and I found Lupin was just the song for her. With a vampire spirit, her smile is so evil! I love this contrast, compared to her pretty face. And you can hardly meet some girl like her (Of course). It is just so amazing. Also, the song Lupin is a classical music famous in 2014. I am so happy to bring it back to 2022.For me, it is never too boring to appreciate the old song.One more thing, since my works have been diversified, I would try to use different kind of character at a time and use anther next time. Now many new ideas have emerged in my mind. I am going to fulfill them one by one.At last, if you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.20GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.————————————————————————————哈喽大家好,我是Mosrp,这已经是我的第17个R18 MMD啦!非常抱歉,最近工作上有亿点点忙,以至于花了我两个星期去消化工作内容,不是一般的难顶。不过还好这个任务没有我之前遇到的那么难,忍一忍就过去了这期的视频其实动作我很早就凹完了,只是一直没来得及去渲染。这次我把德古拉从咖啡色的丝袜直接变成了黑丝,咳咳,你懂的,看到后面你萌就懂了。啊,但我感觉我这场景渲染得太一般了,没有玩透这个渲染,加啥啥违和,空间感太多了,可能加一点地上的雾气还好些。我下次再试试8不过德古拉这个角色,我真的是越用越喜欢,虽然已经是老模型了,但是她依旧好涩有木有,而且很适合Lupin这种自带魅惑的舞蹈,我是非常的喜欢啊!以后想到有趣的舞蹈我一定再找德古拉合作!最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)