
康熙 ( Yin-Yang ) Kangxi - Gilrs - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/7/26
  • 9564 再生
  • 377 いいね


Hello, it\'s Morsp again. I\'m going to upload my third R18 MMD. This time I use the song named Girls, which is also one of my favorite MMD BGM. However, firstly, I\'m sorry that the skin of Kangxi looks a little bit pale, as I just intend to make her skin could work harmoniously with her black suit. After outputting the video, it turns out to be failed. I\'m so sad about it, because I\'ve spent much time in designing the transformation of her suit and right now it couldn\'t cooperate with the character. What\'s worse, when I tried to fix it, I can\'t remember the exact parameter of the lighting render.Pathetic, isn\'t it?I\'m so sorry about it. It has berried in my mind that it will never come to an end if someone wants to make a perfect MMD Video. Thus, I save the MMD project and of course I will remake this MMD one day. Thank you very much for watching if you could tolerate my shortcoming. I will endeavor to make progress, thank you.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition(1.15GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.Hello大家好呀,我是Morsp,这次在我的第三个R18MMD视频里我选择用Girls做BGM,因为我也很喜欢这首歌。但我真的十分不好意思,这次做的康熙的皮肤看起来有些苍白,这让我看的时候觉得有些怪异,感觉康熙是不是生病了QwQ.我之所以这么调色也是为了能让康熙的皮肤能和黑色衣服看起来搭一点,然后也能看得清楚一些细节(我还调了阴影,以便能看得清本来会变马赛克的地方)。我的目的差不多达到了,黑白色有对比,细节也看得清楚一些,但整个人就看起来有些怪怪的了。哎,我尝试去修改,但是我忘记了原来打光渲染的参数,怎么调也调不回去那种有些肉色的感觉了QwQ,我在渲染只能说是入门了,但还是很难用得得心应手,所以我保存了这次的MMD工程,以后我肯定要重置一下的这段时间做MMD我也很有感触,尤其是R18的MMD,我总觉得我能在姿势、变装还有渲染能做得更好些,但要是真的这么改下去,那真不知道一个视频能做到什么时候。所以我对我每次导出的视频都是打分在65到75分之间,还是有很多的进步空间,然后我觉得很多视频我以后都得重置了233,估计以后回来看我的MMD我都会觉得有些惨不忍睹哈哈哈。下个视频我应该会做一个短一点的歌,但也是在i站能刻入DNA的那种哈哈哈,希望各位到时候能喜欢!不知道为啥,可能是因为我的生活环境需要经常切换中文和英文的语境,工作时要经常用到英文,然后生活中经常用到中文,所以我刚刚打英文的时候语气比较悲伤偏冷,但是打中文后我的语气又变得有些活泼了哈哈哈最后的最后,如果你愿意看我这次的视频,我真的会非常非常感激,我一定不会忘记这次做视频的不足,下次继续改进!而且如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)