
康熙(Silver Bule) Kangxi - Snapping - R18

  • 投稿日:2022/8/7
  • 8803 再生
  • 311 いいね


Hello everyone, it\'s Mosrp here. Today I\'m going to upload my 9th R18 MMD.This time I use the orginal model of Kangxi and add the color named "Silver Blue" to her clothes. It looks very nice and can be harmonious with Kangxi herself. Of course, your opinion towards her beauty that counts. 😉Also, I find that there\'s a connection problem of the clothes that the junction between the above and below the chest breaks from time to time. I cannot fix it while it is too evident to notice in the video, so I won\'t use the original model to dance alone.Sorry for the reason that I have too much work to handle, so maybe I couldn\'t write too much this time. Let\'s meet again in the 10th video.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.05GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.————————————————————————hi大家好呀,我是Mosrp,这已经是我第9个R18MMD视频啦我忘在英语里面补充了,这应该是我第一次用韩语歌做BGM,为虾米呢?因为我很喜欢Snapping这个动作,很有力量哇。以前我没留意没啥感觉,但是我看到别人做过我就一下心潮澎湃地做这一期视频。不过配套的镜头比较喜欢由远到近,细节方面看不到太多,所以一些细节因为阴阳看不到的我都用打光克服了,尽量不要影响大家的观感~但有一个问题比较麻烦,那就是康熙的派派衣服前面链接有些些问题,我不太会修,但是还是太明显了,所以下次不会再用原康熙模型单人跳舞了QwQ明天工作日又要上班了,我得早点休息了,祝各位新的一周开工顺利,学习进步噢!最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)