
康熙(白皇) - Marionette (提线木偶) - R18 【Physical Effects Upgrade 物理特效升级】

  • 投稿日:2022/10/24
  • 7798 再生
  • 361 いいね


Hello everyone, this is Mosrp here, today I am going to release my 14th R18 MMD.To be honest, this video should be uploaded yesterday, however, due to the fact that the server of iwara sometimes failed to respond, that I have to wait to upload until today.Marionette is a wonderful song for making sexy videos, but it is inevitable that some strange motion can hardly be fixed. I do try to do so, and I hope the bugs won\'t interrupt you while appreciating the video.Sorry again for the delay for the upload. Actually, it is my attempt to update the physical effects of bosom and skirt that costs me days to learn and edit the models. At first, I tried to ask some model editors to help me improve the effect, but I was sad that I was unable to complete my tasks under their conduction. Then, by watching videos on Bilibili, a video website in China, I learnt editing models myself and I finally made it! In this video you can see the different pattern of the breast\'s movement. I think I had reached the of the limit of the physical effect in MMD software (It is the original software which used to produce videos). If I want to realize more authentic physical effect that I have to use the advance video software like C4D or Blender to reach my goal. Unfortunately, as I am applying for the postgraduate courses, which almost half of my wage I earn when I enter the workforce. I have to save some money in order to finance me to accommodate in the city where the university locates. So, it takes time for me to upgrade my device. I will earn my tuition back in the next two year. For me the length of the progress is OK. If in the future I find myself still having time to make videos, I will gladly switch my equipment to produce better quality productions. All in all, it is nice to meet you guys in iwara. It gives me a sense of belonging to some degree and improves my video processing skill. I do not know how far I would go, but I will definitely stick to making video as long as I am enthusiastic to MMD.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition (1.27 GB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later. Or if you want the collection of my videos, you can contact me via PM as well and I will reply with Mega link later.————————————————————————嗨大家好哇,我是Mosrp,这已经是我制作的第14个R18 MMD啦其实这个视频昨天就应该能上传了,可惜i站的服务器有时抽风导致我一个晚上都没上传成功,所以我今天下班回来第一时间来上传,总算通过了PS:希望i站早日更新升级,祝i站越来越好!!!提线木偶这首歌我也是很喜欢的呀,以前看了很多相同动作的优秀MMD. 但我自己制作视频的时候我才发现因为模型不匹配导致有些动作会出现一帧两帧的鬼畜动作,虽然不影响整体观感,但对于制作者的我多多少少还是有些心里过不去QwQ,不过也没办法啦,我已经尽力修改了。希望那一个两个的不会影响你看视频::>_<::实在不好意思,这期视频我花了比以往的视频更多的时间,也是因为我尝试去提升模型的派派和裙子的物理效果。起先,我问了很多改模大佬,但是因为我太笨了没有理解到位导致这方面的路基本走不通了,所以我尝试看B站的视频自学,最后在星期五我终于成功了!我感觉我已经到达MMD软件本体的极限了,因为MMD软件本体的软体效果非常差,所以穿模现象是不可避免的,我只是在它的基础上改进了模型可以表现的效果,要是强度高了还是会穿模的。如果要到那种更加真实的物理效果,那应该要用的专业的视频软件了,比如C4D和Blender, 我其实都很想学,但奈何工作以来我发现我需要研究生学历所以我花了蛮多钱在申请上的,基本上是我过去一年赚的工资的一半了,然后我还要留一点以便明年我有钱在学校附近租房住。所以我目前生活虽然基本有保障,但是该省钱的地方我还是选择了省钱。换电脑的话,大概是后年了,那时我重新进入市场应该能把学费赚回来,如果那时候我还有心思做视频的话一定会换电脑哒!最后,如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(如果是合集的话,我会发Mega网盘)(另外非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)