
[2K] - 希儿(Seele) - 小鹿乱撞(I\'m Feeling Good) - R18【Hentai View 紳士視点】

  • 投稿日:2023/4/8
  • 11644 再生
  • 382 いいね


Hello everyone, I am Mosrp, this is my 20th R18 MMD!Firstly, I want to apologize to those who have waited my update for so long. I am sorry that I have disappointed you.\nI would like to explain here what I have been through these months.In December last year, at around 20th, I was infected with corona virus due to the fact that the country where I live had suddenly loosed the epidemic control. At that time, I was not in good condition. It was painful to lie in bed, waiting for the pain from the headache to fade away every day. This condition lasted for about 2 months.After the recovery of my health, I went back to the workplace. But it seems that there are still sequelae after recovery, and my work efficiency is not as high as before. However thankfully, my boss treated me nicely. He offered less workload to me. So right now, I have the leisure time to make MMD.I am afraid that I am going to change the way to get the HD videos. It is hard to speak out that, the tuition for a postgraduate program will cost me the salary I earn in the year I enter the workforce. As a result, I hope to subsidize my expenses by doing MMD videos. It would be much appreciated if you would like to sponsor me!I promise I would upload at least 1 video a week. Of course, 2 or even 3 are also possible.From now on, I will include more characters into my consideration, such as Haku, Honkai Impact 3 characters, etc. I want to make MMD videos of more of my favorite characters, and I hope you would like them too.The character in the video is called Seele, my favorite character in Honkai Impact 3. I start playing it in 2020, and Seele\'s S-rank battlesuit [Stygian Nymph] is the first one I obtain in the game. I love her so much!See you in the next video!PS: Recently, due to a major update of iwara, the playback volume may not be displayed normally for a while, and it may take a while to recover.\n————————————————————————————\n大家好呀,我是Mosrp,今天我将会更新我的第20个R18 MMD.首先我想先向我的观众说声道歉。由于去年12月月底我感染了新冠,所以突然无法更新。那时我身体状况特别不好,所以我花了大概两个月才恢复过来。康复后我回到工作岗位,发现这次感染还有一些后遗症,导致我工作效率没有以前高了。不过感谢我的老板,了解我的情况后没有给我那么多紧急的任务做,我也因此有时间重新开始做MMD但这次我想开始转型,也就是说我想开始对我的视频收费了。其实挺不好意思的,由于去境外读研究生需要大概花费我刚进职场一年所赚的工资,所以我也想通过做MMD视频来补贴我的一些生活开支,希望大家能理解QwQ从此以后,我每个星期将至少更新一个视频,当然也有可能更新两到三个。同时,我会扩大我制作MMD的选角范围,比如弱音和一些崩坏3角色。我希望我能将更多我喜欢的角色放进视频里~这次我选了希儿,这是我最喜欢的崩坏3角色。因为当初2020年我入坑时,我第一次抽氵的第一抽就抽到了彼岸双生,所以这个缘分我始终忘不了,真的好喜欢希儿表人格可爱的样子,也好喜欢里人格傲娇的样子😆PS:最近i站由于进行了一次大更新,导致播放数暂时无法正常显示,所以可能需要一段时间后才能修复,希望你能理解(❁´◡`❁)